
A typical HTML response will add JavaScript and CSS files with:

$response = response_get();


$response->css_alternate_add('/path/to/file.css', 'print');
$response->css_alternate_add('/path/to/file.css', 'all', 'Title');

In the template file itself, the CSS is then added to the page <head> via head_get_html(), and the JavaScript at the bottom of the page with foot_get_html().

For reference, please see these other pages which also relate to resources:


For both the JavaScript and CSS, the paths are automatically changed to something like:


Where the number is the UNIX timestamp of when the file was last modified... this means that the framework can also set a very aggressive caching policy, and as soon as the file is changed, the <link> and <script> tags change, and the old URL is 301 redirected to the new path.

This can be enabled with the config options:

$config['output.timestamp_url'] = true;

If you want to use this feature yourself (e.g. images), there is the timestamp_url() function:

<img src="<?= html(timestamp_url('/a/img/logo.gif')) ?>" alt="Logo" />

JavaScript code

Sometimes you may need to set a JavaScript variable "inline", for example the current tax rate, however you don't really want to do this inline as its a potential security issue, and can break the default CSP directives.

So instead just add:

$response->meta_set('js_data', json_encode($x));

And the JavaScript can get that variable via:

my_data = document.querySelector('meta[name="js_data"]');
if (my_data) {
    try {
        my_data = JSON.parse(my_data.getAttribute('content'));
    } catch (e) {
        my_data = null;
if (!my_data) {

JavaScript minified

To minify the JavaScript with jsmin-php, set:

$config['output.js_min'] = true;

The result of this is cached, so shouldn't cause any performance issues (but may make debugging harder).

CSS minified

To minify the CSS by simply removing comments and most whitespace (keeping line numbers), set:

$config['output.css_min'] = true;

The result is cached, and shouldn't really make many changes to your CSS, but should reduce the file size a bit further.

CSS auto

Some sites can simply get away with a single CSS file, but if they become too large, you may find that you want a different (or additional) file per section (based on the URL).

So if you update your template file, so that it simply executes:


Then by default, the following 3 files (if they exist), will be included:


Where 'print.css' is the print style sheet, and 'high.css' is an alternative stylesheet for a high contrast version of the site.

Have a look at the config option 'output.css_types' if you want to configure these.

Then depending on the URL being loaded, additional files can be included.

For example:
