Nearest helper

You can view the source on GitHub.

To initialise with a profile:

$nearest = new nearest('users');

Or to create with a config array:

$nearest = new nearest(array(
        'max_results' => 10,

Exmple 1

To find the records closest to a particular location, just call:

$results = $nearest->locations_nearest($postcode);

$results = $nearest->locations_nearest(['latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude]);

By default this will use the Google Geocode service.

Where the config could be something like:

$config['nearest.users.table_sql'] = $config['db.prefix'] . 'user';
$config['nearest.users.where_sql'] = 'address_postcode != "" AND deleted = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"';
$config['nearest.users.field_postcode_sql'] = 'address_postcode';
$config['nearest.users.field_latitude_sql'] = 'location_latitude';
$config['nearest.users.field_longitude_sql'] = 'location_longitude';
$config['nearest.users.extra_fields_sql'] = [];
$config['nearest.users.max_results'] = 10;
$config['nearest.users.max_km'] = 0; // Unlimited

$config['nearest.gm_key'] = '';
    // Can leave blank to use Google Maps, or get a key from:

Example 2

If you have a more complicated source, then you can pass in an array of results:

$nearest = new nearest(array(
        'field_latitude' => 'latitude',
        'field_longitude' => 'longitude',
        'max_results' => 0, // Unlimited
        'max_km' => 0, // Unlimited

// $results = array(array(
//      'name' => 'A',
//      'latitude' => 50.54,
//      'longitude' => -2.596,
//  ));

$results = $nearest->locations_distance($results, $postcode);

array_key_sort($locations, 'distance', SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC);

The results are just modified to set a 'distance' key (either in km, or NULL for unknown).

And because we have not set a limit on the results, we could use the paginator:

$paginator = new paginator();

$results = $paginator->limit_array($results);

Or if you do want to limit the results:

$results = $nearest->locations_limited($results, $postcode);

To initialise the lat/long values for a table with only a postcode field:

$nearest = new nearest('users');

Note that this will only update 30 records at a time, as the external API will probably be rate limited.

This could go in as a temporary maintenance job, to be removed when all records have been updated.